Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Caribgem :: Program Director

Name: Caribgem

Position: Program Director

Education: Oxon Hill H.S. (Class of 1999) -- Towson University (1999-2001)

Why W.O.W. Radio? I throughly enjoy working with the W.O.W Radio staff! They are positive individuals that fully support the entrepreneurship in people. Being Indie is DEFINITELY something to be proud of! W.O.W pushes the Indie Community to express their creativity and perfect their craft. I admire the way W.O.W appreciates the Indie, even if just a simple jesture such a retweet on Twitter. We are always brainstorming on new campaigns, giveaways, events, contests , etc.to present to the Indie Community. If you have an Indie Spirit, then this is the Indie Media for you....

What do I do? I AM INDIE MEDIA! Basically.... it is my job to provide the Indie Community with the support, resources, opportunities and the voice they need to be heard locally & internationally. A typical day for me consists of reviewing Indie music submissions, programming & scheduling W.O.W Radio shows/playlists, compiling various forms of Indie newz and meeting with potential guests, interns, affiliates & sponsors. I also host "Indie Luv" (an original W.O.W Radio show). I luv connecting with refreshing & creative people. I also work for other Indie companies such as SuitlandFest CDC 501c3, At Your Service Detailing, Isola's Kitchen & Women of Wisdom, Inc. Friends & family categorize me as a workaholic, but I'm fine with that because I luv what I do with a passion & wouldn't have it any other way!

Kris :: Operational Director

Name: Kris

Position: Operational Director/Community Liason

Education: B.A in Business Administration from Hampton University.  Five years experience in radio hosting/programming and development.

Why W.O.W. Radio? I support W.O.W Radio and Caribgem because I understand and appreciate the vision.  The station stands for something that I personally believe in and that is the indie spirit! I look forward to the day that it is an international brand that enriches its audience!

What do I do? I am responsible for the behind the scenes functioning of the business. The areas of media that often don't get the shine.  I handle budgeting, training and operations procedures for different departments. I will also be hosting a show on the station coming summer 2012.